FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending September 28, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending September 28, 2024


Sunny was adopted by volunteer Raven.  Sunny was the last of the ‘eclipse’ cats to finally be adopted.  She’ll keep her name.

Little Snooks was adopted!  Snooks was found a few months ago just walking around someone’s yard.  She is 4 months old and will now be called Snookie Boo.  She may be a sibling or two in the near future! 

New Cats:

7 week old black tiger kitten was found in a truck engine.  It is believed she came from a nearby bean field.  Sweet thing.

7 week old brown male tiger was seen falling from underneath a car with two other kittens.  Sadly, one was deceased and the orange kitten was hurt and taken to the vet.  The brown tiger was not hurt.

Health Updates:

Foxy saw Dr. Darcy.  She has several things going on.  She has inflammatory bowel disease and a very high white blood cell count.  She is on antibiotics. 

Alma saw Dr. Darcy also and she is doing pretty good, slight changes in her meds.

Other Updates:

The shipping issue with the FFRC store has been resolved.

Babies in the back will be released at different times this week. 

We are grateful for everyone who has sent in beds for the cats and we now have a surplus so we don’t currently require any more.


Momma and baby cat food is needed with all the kittens we currently have we are going thru a lot of kitten food (both wet and dry)




Our hearts are broken for all those suffering from Hurricane Helene.  They need us all now and in the many months to come.  Compassion is never a word that is overused. 

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending September 21, 2024

 FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending September 21, 2024


 It was a great week for adoptions!

Friday began with sweet little Roo getting adopted by loving parents who helped care for her when she first came to Dr. Darcy’s office in July.  Remember Roo was found near some road construction with her front legs needing to be amputated at the knee.  We’ve come to love this little one who never let her injuries slow her down.  Now she gets a loving home to grow old with!

Next both Moon and Stratton went home with our volunteer Ella.  She loves all the cats but these two found a special place in her heart.  Stratton has waited two years for a forever home and now has one!  Moon was found with her 3 siblings who were orphaned on the side of the road when their mom was hit by a car.  They were only a few weeks old and now Moon graduates to her very own home with her new brother, Stratton.

The day ended with Wixx finally getting a home after waiting for two years!  She is shy and laid back and for now is getting a home where she will be the center of attention and will receive one on one love.

It was a wonderful Friday!

New Cats:

Silver and black tiger (around 5 months) found outside someone’s home.  She has a slight injury to her tail and is not yet fixed.  She’s a little shy but very laid back.  Very calm little kitty cat.

Not quite a cat:   We have a 10 year old sweetie who Megan met while visiting the humane society.  His name is Gizmo and he’s a…wait for it….a dog!  A Chihuahua.  He has the cutest little face (tongue sticks out).  Megan couldn’t say no, so he will spend time both in the Center and at Megan’s home.  He’s been introduced to the cats and is fine with them.  Although most of the cats are bigger than he is.  They are all very curious about him.  Welcome Gizmo!

Health Updates:

Alma appears to be eating a little better.  She’ll go up to see Dr. Darcy next week for an update.  

Other Updates:

Our Chat Moderator, MK, is visiting.  She is helping out tremendously with lots of stuff! 

We will be having a fall flash sale on Wednesday, September 25th at 11:00 a.m. Lots and lots of great stuff! MK will help out with this sale.


Fun-raiser held and raised $4,840 (and counting).  This will go towards some bills and medical bills. 





Sunny = Monday at 4:30 ish


As seasons change in many places, remember to start to think about those areas facing winter.  Think about donating old blankets or towels to those in need.  Homeless shelters, local charities can always use slightly used clothing and footwear.  And local animal groups can always use blankets and linens as well as other items that may help in keeping animals warm and safe during whatever Mother Nature has in store.

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending September 14, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending September 14, 2024


 Sisters Birch and Maple were adopted, together.  They are the first of Brandi’s babies to get their own home. Their brothers Apple and Elm are still waiting for someone to come on in and bring them home.

New Cats:

Black cat, about 2 months old, was from Dr. Darcy’s office.  She’s a talker and very sweet.


Health Updates:
Alma continues to be watched.  She’s getting older and losing some weight.  She’s always been able to make it to the litter box, but recently has had some issues in that area.  Nothing to worry about but be aware she is getting older and in addition to CH has some other physical challenges (Thyroid issues, Mega Colon issues).  We are always ensuring her quality of life is best for her.  Every day is a gift with her and we are blessed to be part of knowing and loving that gift  As Dr. Darcy once said “sometimes you get to the point where you are giving meds to the cat and not for the cat.”.

Choco (lazy back legs)  is doing well.  He’s making a little progress with his leg.

Sahara is doing well physically but really doesn’t like other cats so she’s still in the back.  She is a little grumpy around other cats.

Astra is doing well but is a little overwhelmed by her new environment.  For now she is with Zavi and the two seem to be enjoying each other’s company.

Other Updates:

Our Welcome Fall fun-raiser is now going on thru Tuesday with drawing on Wednesday at noon.  Tickets are $5.00 There are 8 wonderful items.  Specific info on Facebook and YouTube.

Snooks is on hold.(still needs spay)
Roo is on hold.  (still needs spay)
No hold on Luna and Bella but strong interest (fingers crossed everyone!)

Lots of potentials!  


Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows.

--Helen Keller

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending September 7, 2024

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending September 7, 2024


Both Bodie and Dark Cat were adopted together!  They are now with the family that adopted Acorn several months ago.  For now they are keeping the name Brodie but Dark Cat is now called Cheesecake.  Congratulations kids!  

New Cats:

New names for

Lazy leg kitty = boy medium chocolate brown hair.about two months old =  Choco

Inkie baby with ear clip female about 3 months old found by Cyndy and Ray just wandering around the farmyard  = Halo

Dilute calico female, almost two months old --found alone and the man who brought him in didn’t have a carrier in his car, so the little baby hid in the car dash and it took almost two hours to get him out.   = Fizzy

Cat that cheri and brandon found about 4 months old female all white, splotches on feet head and lower back, tiger blotches = Astra

Male brown/black tiger found on state rt 18 just wandering around. =  Bamboozle 


Health Updates:

Everyone seems to be doing well. 

Other Updates:

We’ll be having a basket/item fun-raiser in the next week.  Stay tuned for specifics


Roo and Snooks
They both need spaying before they go. So the adoption date is TBD.

There is interest in about 6 cats so more adoptions should be forthcoming.


"Never let the past define all you can accomplish in the future. And never lose sight of the present."

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 31, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 31, 2024


 None this week

New Cats:

On 8/19 a very sick kitty was found by our Friend Connie.  She had found her in a terrible state, bone thin, malnourished, dehydrated, infested with fleas, a deformed or injured right paw and pregnant.  This poor kitty was given the name Mattriane.  Sadly, she passed several days later.

A 3 month old, black, female kitten was found wandering around on the property by Cindy and Ray.  She appears to be hungry, but in good physical condition.

That same day, Carmine found a one month old kitten, male, blackish/brownish/grayish.  Her back legs are ‘lazy’ or delayed. She can use them but kinda ‘drags’ them.  She also has a small scrape on her lower spine.


Health Updates:

No updates due to Megan vacation.  All meds and medical issues being done by Lynnette. 

Other Updates:

No updates due to Megan vacation.  All meds and medical issues being done by Lynnette.  


Bodie and Darkcat still on hold. 


With gratitude, we countdown to September 1, 2024, the 25th anniversary of FFRC.

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 24, 2024

 FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 24, 2024


We had 4 adoptions this week!

Sanford was adopted!  Our sweet boy gets to go home with a catio to relax in during the day while he watches birds and squirrels play.  He’ll have a 20 year old sister to chill out with and best of all, no kittens to drive him crazy!  He’ll have peace and quiet!

The long wait for a home for MightKat finally came to an end as she was adopted!  She’ll have a kitty brother and a human sister to grow old with.  

Radar was adopted.  This boy was quite overwhelmed here after all the changes his life has gone thru and now he gets to go to a quiet home that knows of his weight goals and will work with him to reach a healthy weight, while living in a happy home surrounded by love.  His new name is Michael.

And finally, Bellamy got her wish, to stay with her best friend forever as she was adopted by Carmine.  She and her new dad were meant for each other and rumor has it, she may already have her own special place to sleep close by him at night.  It was meant to be.

Health Updates:

Roo continues to do very well.  She is getting more and more walkabouts and is getting around very well. She has a very positive attitude.

Checkers had the degloved tail and was going to have surgery in the future but his tail fell off.  He’s fine and Dr. Darcy said that’s not unusual.  He doesn’t mind and is just being a happy, playful kitty.

Ridley and Maverick have officially finished their ringworm treatment. 

Other Updates:

The two boy kittens (4 month olds) that came in a few weeks ago finally have names:  Hooper and Hoppy.  Both are orange/white but Hooper is more buff (color not abs).

Bella, Luna and Checkers are doing great and all becoming good play friends.  They are all happy and healthy.

We have a new staff member.  His name is Ray and he is a great help in keeping up with the farmland.  He’s been doing a lot of landscaping and helping Cindy with a lot of the outside stuff.

The Covies got a television this week!  They wanted it for the start of the college football season.  They are all pretty exciting but we’ve decided not to give into their demands for individual IPhone’s.


Bodie is on hold and getting adopted around September 8th.  He is going to go with Dark Cat!  The two friends will officially become siblings and grow up together.  The family that adopted Acorn is adopting them. 

We do have a number of adoptions coming but they’ll wait until Megan’s vacation is over.


FYI: We are a few days away from our 25th anniversary!  September 1, 1999 is our official 25th anniversary.  We encourage everyone who has ever adopted from FFRC to share a picture or story of their kitty (past or present) on our FaceBook page.  We look forward to the next 25 years.

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 17, 2024

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 17, 2024


None this week.

New Cats:
None this week.

Health Updates:

Checkers, Bella and Luna have all passed their tests for FIP and Leukemia and they are now out of their cages and down on the floor with each other.

Roo continues to do well and we are now letting her in the main Center for supervised visits for short periods of time.  We will slowly build up the time depending on her progression.

Thumbelina is also out in the main center for short periods of time.  She was in the Kabana and discovered that Peacocks walk by the window.

Both Maverick and Ridley continue to do well.  Their ringworm is almost cleared up with about a week or so of meds before they will be completely ringworm free.

They are the funnest two boys who love to play and are eagerly waiting for a world without ringworms!

Several of the cats have been experiencing some stool issues (loose) and we’ve decided for a week to cut down on one of the wet food feedings.  Cats still have access to dry food, 24 hours a day.  Wet food is very rich and we hope to calm down the stomachs of all the cats.  We are still doing wet food feedings, just cutting back on one for the next week. They get five wet food feedings a day, we are cutting it down to four.  If any cat comes to the cam and tells you they are starving, don’t believe them.  They are liars, lovable, but still liars.

Other Updates:

Our longtime Friend and volunteer, Dee, passed away.  Dee was 87 and such a joy when she came to visit.  For years she has come and brushed the cats.  Certain cats would come running when they saw her as she had a gentle way with them all.  We will all miss Dee but are so blessed to have known her for so many years. 

Porchie and Jefferson are also doing well.  They are very quiet cats. Remember, they were returned after spending many years in a family.  The family had some medical issues and could no longer care for them.   They are bonded and we would love to have them adopted together.  Porchie is 5 and Jefferson is 6.  If you want two cats that are sweet as can be and cause no trouble, these two are for you.

Mitzy may be blind but no one told her.  She goes here, there and everywhere.  She has actually snuck in the office to be spoiled.  It is truly amazing how physical challenges do not slow down cats.  Mitzy is 3 months old and so loving.

Radar has lost a little weight.  He is able to come into the Main Center, but he chooses not to.  It appears to be a little overwhelming to him.  He is happy, looking out the window at the birds.

Financial Updates

If any of you pledged $$ for Cat-A-Thon and have not yet paid, please remember to send your pledged money sometime this week.  We appreciate this so very much.

We had a flash sale this week and raised $1,800.  That will help us with bills, especially with getting vaccines as we did 50 vaccines this week.  Vaccines are so very important for the long term health of our cats.


Mightycat will be going home this coming Friday (time, yet to be determined).

Bodie is officially on hold!  While we will all be sad to see him go, he gets his very own home! He will also be going to a home that already has an FFRC cat.


Your cat is part of your family.  You love them.  You care for them.  You take them to the Vet when they are sick.  Love doesn’t end with your passing.  Make a plan, let your family or close friends know what that plan is for your cat.  Don’t assume someone will take them.  Talk to the person you want to care for them if you are no longer able to care for them, for whatever reason.  Some of you may remember Twinkle from many years ago.  Twinkle was the sweetest old soul whose mom passed away.  Her family didn’t know what to do with Twinkle so let her outside to fend for herself.  Twinkle hid under the house for many weeks before a kind neighbor found her and brought her to FFRC.  By then, Twinkle was bone thin, dehydrated and in terrible shape.  Make a plan.  Love your cat forever and a day.  Plan for them.  They are counting on you.